Digital Detox Silent Mini-Retreat

Digital Detox Silent Mini-Retreat

Digital Detox Silent Mini-Retreat

Unplug and silence your mind

In our modern world we have witnessed remarkable technological development but there has not been a corresponding increase in human happiness. This is because happiness does not come from material development. Real happiness comes from developing and maintaining a peaceful positive mind all the time regardless of what’s happening in our busy life. In this short retreat we will take a break from our digital world and learn how to deeply enjoy the natural peace of our own mind. We will maintain silence throughout the retreat and be gently guided in meditations to increase our experience of peace and wisdom.

Everyone is welcome.



Session 1: 9-10am

Session 2: 10:30-11:30am

Break: 11:30-12pm

Session 3: 12-1pm

Location on Map

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