Study Programs

Our founder, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, designed three qualified spiritual study programs. These programs are in-depth methods to extract the full meaning of Buddha’s 84,000 teachings on Sutra and Tantra.
General Program (GP) classes are ideal for all levels of students, even for those without any experience of Buddhism. Courses are designed to teach practical ways to integrate Buddhism and meditation into our modern, daily lives. Even non-Buddhists can gain benefit from attending these classes, which are open to everyone and do not require any commitment.
See our calendar for current weekly drop-in classes HERE.
The Foundation Program (FP) is a systematic presentation of specific subjects to help students gain a deep understanding and experience of Mahayana Buddhism. The Foundation Program takes approximately five years to complete and students must gain permission for enrollment. The current FP class at KMC Florida meetings on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm and students are studying the text The New Eight Steps to Happiness. Find out more information HERE.
The Teacher Training Program (TTP) is designed for students who wish to become qualified teachers of Modern Buddhism. There are twelve subjects and fourteen texts taught in TTP, including the six texts taught in FP, and the course takes approximately twelve years to complete. Like FP, enrollment must be approved by the Resident Teacher. Find out more information HERE.
Benefits of Study Programs
“These programs, therefore, are real wishfulfilling jewels for Dharma practitioners. By participating in them we can improve our wisdom and Dharma experience and use Dharma to solve our daily problems. We can become our own protector by protecting ourselves from danger and suffering, and our own doctor by curing our mental pain with Dharma medicine.
We shall be able to set a good example for others to follow and help others by giving teachings and advice. Eventually we will be able to give extensive teachings and benefit others in many ways by organizing special programs and so forth. In this way we will make both our own and others’ human lives extremely meaningful.”
~Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche