This is the simplest, most obvious truth of our existence, yet very few have really come to terms with this fact. In this series, we will learn how to make the most of our human life (living meaningfully), to prepare for death (dying joyfully), and how to help others who are dying. In this way, instead of something to be feared or denied, death can become a positive and life-enhancing experience.
The series is based on the book Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully, by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
The teacher, Gen Kelsang Gomlam, worked as a nurse in Intensive Care and Hospice before she met the New Kadampa Tradition. Her previous practical experiences together with the powerful teachings of Buddha create a light-hearted environment to explore the most important knowledge we can develop — what happens when we die. Each class includes a teaching, guided meditation, and a Q & A session after class in the World Peace Cafe.
Everyone Welcome!