Imagine having the inner mental strength and emotional resilience to be able to bounce back from whatever challenges and difficulties life throws at you. Imagine,for example, when difficulties arise in your personal life, family life, or workplace, instead of feeling overwhelmed and stuck, you feel empowered to deal with this adversity. The good news is that this is very possible for each of us. We can become stronger than we think, more flexible than we ever imagined, and more confident and peaceful than we ever thought possible.
In this Sunday series, Gen Gomlam will help us learn, through Buddha’s teachings, new ways of thinking, and new ways of relating to common challenges. Everyone welcome!
April 7: No Sunday Class | Florida Dharma Celebration
April 14: How to Stop Overthinking
April 21: Freedom from Anxiety and Worry
April 28: Letting Go of Guilt
May 5: Peace and Pancakes
May 12: Special Mother’s Day Class & Brunch
May 19: Overcoming Perfectionism
May 26: Silencing the Inner Critic