Even if we contemplate the most sublime paintings and works of art we cannot gain benefits that compare with the benefits of contemplating and meditating on the famous Buddhist diagram of the Wheel of Life.
The Wheel of Life is a diagram drawn by Buddha that teaches the complete path to enlightenment. Included within it are Buddha’s teachings on The Four Noble Truths, telling us what we should know, abandon, practice and attain. It also illustrates the twelve dependent-related links, a chain-like series of cause and effect that explains the means by which we have been bound to suffering. All of our suffering, difficulties and problems can be explained through understanding this teaching of Buddha. Through contemplating and meditating on the Wheel of Life, we can break free from this cycle and experience permanent freedom and happiness.
During this day course Gen Gomlam will give a practical and contemplative tour of the Wheel of Life and show us how we can use this diagram to inspire our meditations and guide us along our spiritual path.
Everyone is welcome, regardless of background or previous experience.
Session 1: 9:30-10:45am
Session 2: 11:30-12:45pm
Lunch: 12:45-2pm
Session 3: 2-3:15pm
Cost: $35/Non Members, $17.50 Members Lunch $10