Transforming Loneliness & Loss

Transforming Loneliness & Loss

Transforming Loneliness & Loss

What is the Buddhist perspective on loneliness?

Everyone at sometime during their life, experiences the pain of loneliness and loss.  Now, more than ever, people are feeling isolated and alone even when they are  physically with others. In the media it is being described as “the epidemic of loneliness” and an “existential crisis”. 

From a Buddhist point of view, this experience of fear and isolation can be transformed into mental resilience and a reliable self confidence that gives us power to cope with the challenges of the future.  

Ultimately we are born alone and die alone, therefore we need to develop wisdom and  fearlessness regarding this reality so that our life becomes extremely meaningful and our fears become fuel for a spiritual evolution that protects us whatever happens.  

Everyone is welcome on Sundays for five weeks starting September 8!

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