Lunchtime Meditation
Lunchtime Meditation
Kadampa Meditation Center Florida 730 N Washington Blvd, Sarasota, FL, United StatesCreate inner space in your mind during your lunch break and join us for lunch!
Create inner space in your mind during your lunch break and join us for lunch!
Daily practice to purify and overcome obstacles
Study program to become a qualified Kadampa teacher
Vajrayogini Practice for those with HYT Empowerments
Daily practice to purify and overcome obstacles
The Science of Healthy Relationships: A Buddhist Perspective
Ritual Prayers for Purification
Create inner space in your mind during your lunch break and join us for lunch!
Daily practice to purify and overcome obstacles
Study program to deepen your understanding and experience of Dharma
Daily practice to purify and overcome obstacles
Vajrayogini Practice for those with HYT Empowerments