Protecting Our Future

Protecting Our Future

35 Confession Buddhas Practice

Does it sometimes feel like no matter how hard you try you can’t develop a calm and peaceful mind? Under the influence of anger, jealousy and attachment we have created a great deal of negative karma, as a result we now experience many difficulties and suffering. But no matter how negative our mind is, there is a way to find peace by engaging in purification practice. In this inspiring course, we will use the meditation practice of ‘The 35 Confession Buddhas’ to free our minds from negative and painful emotions, while also increasing our positive energy and general happiness.

It is not necessary for participants to perform physical prostrations in order to practice the 35 Confession Buddhas, although we will provide a demonstration on how to perform physical prostrations for those who wish to learn. Meditations are guided and no previous experience is needed.

 Everyone Welcome!



Teaching 1: 10-11:30am
Lunch: 11:30am-1pm
Teaching 2: 1:30-2:30pm
Practice: 3-3:45pm

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