Foundation Program FP
Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm
with Gen Kelsang Gomlam

Join Us!
Our Foundation Program gives people the opportunity to engage in a more in-depth and structured approach to the practices of meditation and Buddhism. If you are interested in going deeper in your practice and we would love to have you join our community!

The FP class meets once weekly and readings for the current book, The New Eight Steps to Happiness, are assigned in advance of each class. During class there is a meditation and teaching related to the assigned section of the text and a paired discussion at the end of each class. The students then decide what to practice over the next week. At the end of each book section there is an exam.

- attend all classes in person or online
- if a class is missed, audio recordings will be provided and students will complete a makeup summary
- students are asked to memorize essential points and outlines of assigned texts
- students will take a test at the conclusion of each book or book section
- attendance at one group puja (chanted prayers) weekly is encouraged
Benefits of the Foundation Program

All study programs offer the opportunity to develop our wisdom, cultivate a good heart, and maintain a peaceful state of mind. In addition, we create a solid community of friends and Sangha who encourage and help us along the spiritual path.
In 1990, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso gave a talk about the Foundation Program and its purpose. Read the transcript of this talk HERE.
Topics & Books Studied
1. The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, based on the commentary, Joyful Path of Good Fortune
2. Training the Mind, based on the commentaries, Universal Compassion and The New Eight Steps to Happiness
3. The Heart Sutra, based on the commentary, New Heart of Wisdom
4. Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, based on the commentary, Meaningful to Behold
5. Types of Mind, based on the commentary, How to Understand the Mind